Friday 15 February 2008

How to Train Your Puppy or Dog Easily

There are lots of books on training your puppy or dog but which ones work the best. Exactly how easy is it to train your dog, lots of people have dogs so surely it can’t be that difficult can it. Lots of different authors say it should be done this way or that way but who knows which way is right. Is there different ways of training for different breeds or are they all the same. There’s so many things that your dog needs to know it’s worse than looking after a child sometimes. House training, potty training, walking your dog on a leash, how to recall your dog, the list is endless and boy does it take up your time. First you buy a book, then you have to sit down and read it from cover to cover and then you have to try and put what you have read into practice, that’s if you have understood it correctly in the first place.

Well there is a solution that I have come across in my search to solve a problem I have with my own dog, Roxy. There’s a video programme containing seven lessons which take you through all you need to know from potty training to special tricks. All you do is play the video and then put into practice what you have just seen. For instance did you know that you should keep your training sessions short so as to keep the dogs interest and energy level up.

Learn how to avoid common mistakes that will set you back a long time and confuse the dog. Whether it’s your first dog or you have had them before, there is something for everyone. You can even watch a sample video for free first so as to get a good idea what the programme will be like. If you are anything like me you will love watching the videos instead of having to read the entire book first, I find it much easier to watch something than read about it. If you forget a step or are not sure you can always watch it over and over until it sinks in. What have you got to loose, just take a look at the free video and see for yourself. Good luck in your search for a dog training coarse and I hope this has been of some use.

Hi Jeff here, if you found this article usefull or would like more information Click Here!

Sunday 8 April 2007

Effective Ways To Train Your Dog.

There are many different ways to train your dog, but you must try to understand how your dog thinks and why. To train your dog successfully you must have the support of the whole family as it only takes one to upset all the good work that you have put in.
Below are some of the different ideas when starting out to train your dog.

You should decide what role your dog is going to take in your life and what parts of the house it is allowed in. Your dog needs to know where it will be sleeping and in what. If your dog will be sleeping in the kitchen in say a cage or a basket, get it used to knowing that when he or she is put in the basket or cage it is bed time. A dog will feel more secure if they know that this is their place to sleep.

A dog likes routine and they will become used to what is coming whether it is food, walks or bed time. You need to establish this routine around your family and your dog needs to know where it stands in your family. A routine will take time to establish and you have to be persistent and patient.

Your dog needs to be taught where to go to the toilet, where to sleep and so on. Once you have taught your dog this it needs to remain the same so think about this before you get your dog home. Dogs need consistency in their lives to make a good pet.

Make sure your whole family knows where and when your dog should or should not be allowed to go and what he or she is allowed to do. You all need to be patient and consistent for this to work well and for your dog to understand you.

You must understand the dogs background, like the breed, age of the dog, where the dog came from and whether or not it came from a well trained family or not.
Depending on what sort of breed the dog is, it is sometimes easier or harder to train.
It is always easier to train a young dog rather than an old dog as older dogs will already have some bad habits and it takes longer to retrain. Although with a little persistence you can still retrain them it just takes a lot longer.

For more information on dog training Click Here!

How to Train Your Dog The Basics.

If you think about it from a dogs point of view, training a dog is a simple process. Each time your dog does the thing you want, you should reward it and when it does not do it right just ignore it. You can teach your dog in a way that they will associate a reward with a gesture or sound. Lets say you give your dog a treat that you have in your hand and say eat every time. Over a period of time your dog will associate the word eat with food and every time you say this word your dog will be expecting he or she will be getting some food.

Positive or negative reinforcement is where you reward your dog for doing something right or when something not so pleasant stops when your dog does something right.
Positive reinforcement is where you praise your dog every time it does something right. So when you say sit and your dog sits you say good dog and give her a treat.
Negative reinforcement is where you have to help your dog first, lets say you say the command sit again and your dog does nothing so you push down on your dogs hind quarters. Then when your dog sits you stop pushing, that is using the negative reinforcement to strengthen the command sit.

To train your dog you must be consistent all the time, its no good letting your dog do something one day and then changing it the next. Your dog will become confused and will not understand.

To get your dog to obey your command every time you say it you need to repeat it in different environments and situations. If you just train your dog in the back garden and then take him or her over the park and say the command your dog might not do it the first couple of times. Tour dog might think that the commands are just for the back garden only. This process is only to be taught after your dog will obey your command in the back garden, not before.

Skinners conditioning is where your dog will repeat something he or she has done and been rewarded for. Lets say you are having a barbeque and your dog comes over and puts her paw on your leg or knee. You might give your dog a piece of chicken or meat you are eating but your dog will then associate this as a good experience and he or she might do this every time you are eating and expect a reward.

Jeff runs a dog website that deals with different topics to do with dogs you can view these articles at